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So I like to stay informed. Maybe a little TOO informed. It stems from my days as a morning radio host where I had to be aware of just about anything going on especially if it was local. That job essentially required you to be 'connected' 24-7 so that if something happened at 6pm, you could have a plan in place to cover it/talk about it the next morning.

Well, I haven't done a morning radio show (not counting the Twitch show we're currently doing) since October of 2020. Yet I find myself still addicted to the news. Theoretically, that's good, right? Yes and no. The old proverb 'too much of a good thing...' yada yada applies here. I think I consume too much news. Here's a screenshot of my screen time from last week:

In case you don't know what 'Flipboard' is, it's a personalized news reader app. I spent almost 6 hours reading news. And that twitter number's pretty much up there too.

Why do I bring this up? Because I'm starting to realize that maybe I read too much news. With a mindset that's been tested over the last couple years (job loss, deaths in family, covid, lifestyle changes, etc.) I probably don't need to be bombarding myself with all the 'news that sh--ts!' It's good to be informed. It's probably bad to be Too-Much-Informed bordering on the obsessive point of no return. This, I've found, doesn't help my overall mindset. My outlook on things, my GD mood! If all you see is the stuff that makes you mad, concerned, dismayed and discouraged that CAN'T be good to an overall healthy mental mindset. Right? I mean, I feel constantly down and saddened by everything I see in the world. I probably don't need that on top of the mental upheaval I've had over the past 2 years (I've been doing a LOT of therapy!) So what's the answer? I really don't know. I guess I should google what a good average amount of news consumption should be and then maybe set some app limits to correlate to that?

I"ll start there but If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go help my youngest with her letters!

Friday August 5th, 2022
Friday July 8th, 2022
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